Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nothing muchh, hoes.

Day Eight
A picture that makes you laugh
Ohhh man, this picture gets me every time. This is our Deployment Day. The squadron photographer took this and posted it on the squadron's facebook page. He posted it a few days after they had left for Iraq, and as I was flipping through looking at all the other couple's pictures crying and hugging and kissing their babies, I came across our picture and just started cracking up! Everyone else's pictures showed sad couples, but ours is I didn't cry when he left, he didn't cry when we hugged goodbye, that's just not us. This picture is us...we were cracking jokes the whole day, and I really wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

1 comment:

  1. :) I love this picture!! I cried a few tears because when other people were crying it made me depressed. LOL.

    I'm glad he's homeeeee<3
